November 30, 2004

Horse 243 - Stuff sucks because...

...someone did it and it began to suck more. Work sucks because stupid people do it. Some stuff sucks because you suck and other stuff sucks because I do. Stuff such as eating stuff is ok except when monsters are eating you at the same time. Stuff like watching stuff is good only when you wear a yellow hat. Stuff like learning stuff sucks in general. Stuff like writing stuff only sucks when you fall asleep on the keyboarddddddddddddddd... Stuff like waking up sucks when you're being eating by a bear. Short people suck because they are shorter than me and don't even try to take growth enhancing drugs. Smoking sucks because farts are better. You suck because the voices in my head said so. Polar bears suck because they live at the other side of the world from penguins and they are all socialists and commnists. Tall people suck because they are taller than me and take advantage of growth enhancing drugs. Hamsters suck because they die after 2 hours of continous running over with the lawn mower. Monkeys suck but some of them are cool because they can still drive. Trees only suck because you can't flush them down the toilet. Americans suck because they talk too slowly and they are not English. The french suck because their language is stupid, takes three times as long to spell and they they don't deserve a capital letter. You suck because you were sad enough to read this whole thing, just to discover that you suck. Its the truth, I'm watching you right now. Sucker.

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