May 04, 2005

Horse 338 - These three remain: No Hope from Charities

without being rude to those charity institutions (cue rudeness and misplaced indignancy), I understand why they think it's a good idea to give disadvantaged kids and chronically ill children experiences which regular children don't get but imagine this - you live in a perfectly normal boring family, with nice parents and aren't poor or have a disease. What do you get? NOTHING.

That's right, normal children in normal circumstances don't appear on charities radar, nor are they in the general consensus of society "deserving" of special luxuries. This quite frankly bites.

Imagine what it's like to spend boring holidays year after year in a caravan park in Kiama because it's by the sea. Think of the drudgery of being on holidays for 6 weeks over summer with nothing to do but play with lego, computers, ride bikes and kick the football with your mates. Just try to empathise with the poor kiddies who think that going to the supermarket every week on a Thursday for late night shopping (8pm) is exciting. Who cares? NO-ONE.

Charities and society in general just doesn't care about you if you happen to be normal and boring. Children like these grow up to become the working bulk of society, to be screwed by the tax office to pay for the very poor (who don't work) and the very rich (who also don't work). They will become the whole gammet of normal society who have to work to get enough money not only just to live on but to also pay for the selfish brats they've spawned to replace themselves - who ironically are also normal and boring.

I therefore propose to set up a government agency designed to give children Leukaemia and other fashionable diseases so that they too can gain the respect of charities and society and therefore get the rewards and beneits that go with it.

It may suck to be underpriveledged and disadvantaged but it's better than being boring and normal and therefore not-priveledged and non-advantaged - there just aren't any free trips to Disneyland for a start.

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