May 19, 2005

Horse 343 - The Dark & Tired Side

This morning I type this epistle from a brain dead state after queuing since 8:30pm, watching a movie at 12:01am and then going home to see the UEFA Cup Final. I am of course referring to that visually stunning installment to the Star Wars saga - Revenge of The Sith.

I like so many this morning saw a film which slots in fairly well into the existing frame work of the other 5 films. Esentially the first 3 are Anakin's story whereas the last are Luke's.

I won't spoil the plot but this film is largely about a failure of every single character in the film. Yoda ends up in exile as does Obi Wan through failure to recognise the Jedi in the first place, the Republic collapses under a religious takeover (read power struggle), Padma simply gives up and Anakin himself eventually fails as his desire for power devours his capacity for love (as explored in Ep. 2). In fact the only one who doesn't fail is Palpatine who acheives every end he sets out to.

The film left me wondering - is Yoda on workers compensation? He's an old dude with a stick but bounces around fighting light-sabre battles when no-one's looking. Even worse is that nagging feeling that Obi Wan is still Renton from Trainspotting and experiences "the force" as a result of visiting some methodone clinic.

As said before brain dead - please excuse incoherancy.

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