June 12, 2005

Horse 354 - The Doctor

The Doctor has been back on Aunty for 5 weeks now. Chris Eccleston (no relation to F1 supremo) as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler have fitted the parts well. Eccleston is of course the 9th Doctor and matches the requirements for a Doctor very well - he is a nutter.

That was always one of the endearing charms about Dr Who. Despite every alien world looking like it was a quarry in Wales, the Beeb always managed to play up on the very fact that the budget for something as frivolous as Dr Who would have to in nature appear cheap and cheesy.

But now there's CGI penetrating the very core of the show. This in turn has meant that one of the strangest things in the universe no longer holds. Once upon a time if you wanted to outrun a Dalek all one needed was a set of stairs, but it seems as though Aunty has provided them with jets, so now they can come upstairs after you.

Another great irony of the show is the TARDIS itself. It was explained a long that the chameleon circuits which enabled it to cloak itself ceased to work and therefore it has remained a 1950's style Police Box ever since. Also that when The Doctor did repair them that he couldn't find his own TARDIS anymore so had it change back into a Police Box (he then re-damaged the circuits).
What we now find is that the copyright on Police Boxes is actually owned by the BBC and not the Metropolitan Police force who actually invented the things because it seen seen to be more readily associated with Dr Who than the Met.

Also freaky is that the current series is made by BBC Wales - so all those quarries now mean a trip across the street in a lot of cases.

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