June 20, 2005

Horse 359 - Parking Inspectors

Grey Ghosts, Blue Bombers, call them what you will; by any other name they'd still be hated by all and sundry. I speak of none other than the scourge of common trade and the source of much inconvenience, the parking inspector.

These municipal council appointed parking stasis must take joy from being the most hated people in the community. It's not just the odd occasion when I've been parked legitimately to find an offending yellow envelope stuffed under the wiper blades of the Ka.

And is it just me or are the women (and I use the term loosely) employed by Mosman Municipal Council frightfully butch? What is it with dykes and bad haircuts and uniforms? Did these people fail at being police? A few years ago I would have accused them of being stupid, but let's be honest, no-one is too stupid to be a police officer in NSW today.

Why can't they be doing something useful? There seems to be an abundance of graffiti on the walls and streets and let's not forget terrorism: it seems that you can't walk down the street without someone else being accused of being a terrorist.

I say give them all handguns and let them loose on the youth gangs. Whatever happens we'd all win.

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