September 13, 2005

Horse 399 - It was 20 Years Ago Today

5 Years Ago:
Sep 2000 - I was mainly operating the switchboard for AdNet. This was a horrible place to work with a boss who didn't want to pay for anything at all. There were barbeques in the backyard of a mate's house and that summer there were football matches and things on every weekend.

10 Years Ago:

Sep 1995 - Oasis had just released What's The Story (Morning Glory)? I was still in high school and Ms Markovski's Maths class. I'd spent most of the year adoring a red-haired girl called Kate from afar only to see her walk off into the sunset with my best friend.
Lunchtimes were spent playing football on the bottom oval or in the library playing games of Big Two. Handball games were some of the most important things in the week and we were all bored in English classes as our teacher who looked like a witch, talked on about corruption as a theme in Shakespeare.

15 Years Ago:
Sep 1990 - Was the selective high school test that important? Riding down the newly opened cycleway by the creek and trying to take kid's ties from the private school down the road. If you had a bike you had total freedom to go anywhere and if you didn't you had to cadge one from a mate.
I'd had the same desk for 3 years and when we moved rooms I found an apple that had been well beyond brown and black and moved into the realms of grey. I pity the poor kid who moved into that seat and got the desk with all its appley glory.

20 Years Ago:
Sep 1985 - School classes were held in a demountable classroom without air-conditioning. I spent most of the year sitting next to Jacqueline French who was a lot taller than me. Pencils with big finger grips to teach you how hold a pencil. Handwriting classes and Reading Rigby books with stories that were all too short.
Hiding under the fort in the playground and forming our own Spy Club which meant spying on the other two spy clubs and trying to take their tree and the concrete pipes.
At home we had a pink couch and cartoons were still on Saturday morning.

25 Years Ago:
Sep 1980 - My sister was still two years into the future so I was all alone in my own world. We had a silver Torana which I'm pretty sure was a two door car. I think I barely remember the Olympics in Moscow and of course our white house with the lino coming up in the kitchen.

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