December 01, 2005

Horse 451 - Sack the PM - You're Fired!

This post is in favour of firing the Prime Minister of Australia who has been proven to be a horrid little man. I now tout the following reasons:

1. Destroying the Republican debate with the support of a dishonest campaign and his refusal to ask the simple question "Would the people of Australia prefer an Australian Head of State?". His assertion was that there was nothing wrong with the current system. He subsequently cornered that role for himself and attends functions that should be reserved for the G.G.

2. After declaring there was nothing wrong with the current system, he refused to sack Hollingworth when it was proved he had lied.

3. Wiping out any chance of reconciliation with Aboriginal people and spending millions on lawyers to rebut the Stolen Generation in an attempt to gain compensation for their systematic poor treatment by the Aust. governments of the past.

4. Lying over the Children overboard affair and capitalising on other peoples misfortunes for his own political gain.

5. Locking up children in mandatory detention.

6. Again defending the current Head of State system and defending the monarchy, he turned his back on over 100 years of parliament convention and shut down parliament for George Bush’s visit, for what purpose? take the limelight.

7. Doing nothing about Timor until something had to be done and then took credit from the good work done by the troops.

8. Bailing out his brother’s company out with government funds and then writing that off as a business grant.

9. Starving higher education of funds, to the extent where only well off people will be able to afford to send their kids to University, or they can pay a debt for the rest of their life.

10. Nuzzling up to Kerry Packer and Murdoch to get favourable press before the 2000 election with the government's forced resumption of land and then selling it to them for a peppercorn amount.

11. Refusing to sack Reith, Wooldridge, Cameron (morals crusader caught cheating on his wife) Heffernan, Tuckey, Draper, Abbot for abusing parliamentary rights.

12. Complaining that the Labor govt. spent $11 Million on advertising government initiatives leading up to the 1996 election, he then proceeded to spend $123 Million in 2004.

13. Refusing to sign the Kyoto agreement because it didn't suit US interests.

14. Turning senior public servants, including defense/intelligence into servants who dare not provide advice they know will not support the government’s position. And then claiming to be strong on terrorisim.

15. Saying in February 2003 at the National Press Club that going to Iraq to remove Saddam alone was no reason to be part of an invasion force.

16. Presiding over the highest taxing government in the western world and then crows about budget surplus and then fritters it all away on vote buying.

17. The straight out lie that $8bn from the sale of Telstra would be contributed to the "environment" (where did that $8bn go?).

18. Tariff reduction, and the signing of a Free Trade Agreement whereby all terms that Australian produce farmers proposed were dropped and US terms of agreement on medicines were accepted corpus bolus. Instantly we saw SPC move its operations to Mexico, Mitsubishi close its engine plant, BHP move worldwide HQ to Canada and News Corp delist from the ASX.

19. Tax benefits for the CSIRO cut and the removal of R&D grants for medical research.

20. Increasing university fees rise fivefold.

21. The Children Overboard Scandal.

22. Sale of the remaining portion of Telstra without adequate checks on continued service after the sale.

23. The dismantling of ATSIC and the removal of the Aboriginal Arbitration Court. The Aboriginal plane flight scandal.

24. Imposition of a GST which by its nature must be a regressive tax (yes Rob, poor people do pay more).

25. The Anti-Terrorism legisation which will give ASIO the ability to lock anyone in detention for an indeterminate period of time without charge or public reason.

26. The removal of the award system, long service leave, overtime pay and penalty rates, four weeks paid holiday, the rights to negotiate with the help of a union, dismantling of the AIRC and the Industrial Relations legislation generally.

27. The refusal to help any of its citizens abroad regardless of whether there's been proof of guilt or not. Not that it matters much anyway because once you leave Australia, the government refuses to know who you are ala Corby, Leslie and Van Nguyen.

Under the old rules you needed three warnings before you could fire someone. I've found 27 points of gross negligence, incompotence and/or corruption. When the IR legislation is passed tomorrow and if I was in charge of the PM's personal pay, I'd fire him - under the legislation that he passed; without reason and be totally legally justified in doing so.
Not happy John!

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