June 19, 2006

Horse 570 - Obituary English

Wherein the author of this epistle laments the loss of one on his little friends

Iff the reeder of the Englishe being a stewdent of the works of Chaucer was koncern'd, then the rules of the Englishe by the fourmal nayme of Grammar be taken to be. 'Twas betwixt of stone and of the place of flint for ne'er do well those which spoile the rules.

And so we move onto modern English which the large part of thanks falls on the works commissioned by King James (the Bible) and the collected works of Shakespeare (yes, I did start this with a conjuction, I apologise).

There appears to be a blurring over the last 20 or so years of what is actually acceptable in grammar. One expects if this trend were to continue then we could very well see the death of the apostrophe in our lifetime, for very few children are being taught grammar and instead have turned to txt speak sans punc2at3n and whatnot.

How for instance did pwnX0r3d become part of the language? at what point did it become acceptable to not capitalise sentences or use question marks at the end
I ph34r th4t I will b3 klose 2 teh last generation of people who remember the English Language: great and powerful; masterly and exact, as it swept aside all borders conquering all in its wake.

or will mi lingu4 frank4 d363n3r4+3 into teh s&$*%N i* c433 ^536?

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