August 01, 2006

Horse 603 - Just for Laughs

Belly Laughs are called this because they originate deep down in the gut of certain people. They happen when you tell a particularly funny joke or else something intensely amusing happens. For this reason I would hate to be a comedian in front of an audience of fat people. You might be telling jokes for upwards of two and a half hours before even the merest titter could be raised; then when you finally do get the desired belly laughs they would be so powerful that they'd blow you off your feet and knock-in the stage you were on causing lights to fall from overhead girders and big red stage curtains to fall into a dribbly velvet heap.

So I suppose the only truly reliable method of obtaining belly laughs would be to take yourself along to a cosmetic surgeon's where they perform liposuction. Once you've arrived at said place you can then ask the proprietor if you can collect the lardy innards of the patients who have visited. Having obtained a sufficiently large quantity of this material, I'd then find a Space Hopper or other childrens bouncy device and then fill it with this hideous substance.

You should be able to merrily hop around the district and listen for the howls of laughter emminating from your adipose jumping device. In this way, you should be able to get all the Belly Laughs you require and if you're really good, win some sort of World Championship of Belly Laughs bouncing thing.

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