August 16, 2006

Horse 613 - Yay for Astrology... er... yay?

Astrology has always been one of those things that's fascinated me. Not because the stars might hold the answers but because of just how much gullible people would rather believe anything than actually admit that they might be responsible to a higher power i.e God. The things whizzing above their heads might do more than the highly intelligent Chap who built and knows them all by name?

Once upon a time the universe was small and compact. Gallileo was a heretic for looking through his telescope and finding that Jupiter had moons of its own that weren't going around the earth. Mercury, Venus, Earth, The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were the keepers of the sky who wandered through the Zodiac; sometimes moving backwards but regulating people's lives.
In 1781 Uranus appeared in telescopes and the world changed. In 1846 Neptune changed things again and then in 1930 Pluto yet again stuffed up astrological charts. Since 2003 Xena, Santa, Quaoar, Orcus and Sedna have cropped up as candidates for planets - all of which brings Pluto into disrepute.

What then for the poor astrologer who now has to tabulate upwards of 29 planets in their calculations? I've just have a look and found that planet U2005²¹²/3 was moving through the constellation of Bruno the Garbageman when you were born. I can't say I feel sorry for these people. If scientists can't define what a planet is, then astrologers shouldn't be allowed to rip-off stupid people.

Astrology may have provided a road map to look into the night sky, but that map is now hopelessly inadequate. With ever increasing ability to look into it, we find more and more stuff that's more bizarre and more beautiful than before. The heavens just don't declare the glory of His name, they YELL.

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