May 25, 2009

Horse 990 - Inertia

I find this particular comment from "He the B", and specifically the correct and exact usage of a word either deliberate, or if it wasn't, quite amusing. That word is Inertia:

I have also said I have an infinite capacity for lethargy - it's true - and there too lies a necessity of transformation which my inertia resists.

Inertia comes from the Latin word, "iners", meaning idle, or lazy. More specifically it refers to the concept contained in Sir Issac Newton's First Law of Motion -"A body persists its state of rest or of uniform motion unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force."

I had a think back to my days as a high school student, and more specifically this video:
The tagline right at the end was this:
Objects are lazy - things like to keep on doing what they're already doing.

I have also said I have an infinite capacity for lethargy - it's true - and there too lies a necessity of transformation which my inertia resists.
Is BJD implying that he must be an object somewhere in the universe; an object which obeys the First Law of Motion? The word Inertia itself implies laziness however there's something else wrapped up in that word - an object in motion will remain in motion. If BJD is working hard, does that imply that he'll continue to work hard under the very same law of inertia?

Footnote: Have I just inadvertently condemned people to watching hours of Eureka! on Youtube? I hope so, maybe they'll learn something.

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