July 06, 2009

Horse 1012 - Help, There's An Emergency Going On

I think that as far as I'm concerned, my football season has been ended due to injury.

The incident happened in the second half, after I brought a potential scorer on top of me. I think that I won the ball but with a mass of bodies littered about the six-yard box, who knows? I took out his feet and he came crashing in over the top of me, so it was entirely my fault but did he score? No - mission accomplished.

Now I'm not usually the sort of person to complain about this sort of thing, but it seems to me that human knees probably could have been designed a little better. Basically human knees unlike hips which are a sensible ball and socket affair, are two bits of bone, held together with elastic bands called ligaments, and a patella or "kneecap" acting as a... knee cap. In all seriousness, a ball and socket joint would have been more

The two ligaments I've torn are the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL). These two are the lacky bands which control twist in the lower leg. This sort of injury is usually the domain of skiers, tennis players, netballers and Chubby Checker who also twist a lot.

The other major injury I've sustained are the Scaphoid, Capitate, Trapezoid and Trapezium Carpals which may or may not have been smashed. My wrist is currently in a cast as I type this, which is somewhat annoying. The only real upside is that I can sort of look a bit like Dr Zoidberg if I hold my right arm in the air... which aint much of an upside in all honesty.

Still, I can't be accused of not being committed to a tackle. If anything by playing on I showed heart and ticker... and stupidity.

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