October 11, 2013

Horse 1551 - Tortious Tuesday?

- images have been changed to protect the innocent - except Brunel & Newton... they weren't innocent

When I saw this exchange on Twitter, I was sure that it was the beginning of a song and if it wasn't then it should be. With that in mind, perhaps someone can make a mega days-of-the-week-type song.
Here then are some thoughts from other days-of-the-week-type songs... including one of infamy.

Solomon Grundy - Born.
The Cure - Don't care if it's blue; you can fall apart; Don't care if Mondays black; you can hold your head.
Johnny Cash - I was arrested.
Tripod - Met my baby.
Mos Def - At summit talks you'll hear them speak; Negotiations breaking down.
The Bangles - Manic; wishing it was Sunday.
Flanders & Swann - The gas man came to call. He tore out all the skirting boards.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - A child has learned to tie his bootlace.
The Boomtown Rats - Need an explanation as to why they don't like it.
The Living End - Change of plans on a rainy day; a new lesson to be learnt today.

Solomon Grundy - Christened.
The Cure - Grey; break my heart. Heart attack; stay in bed.
Johnny Cash - They put me in a cell.
Tripod - Dumped the body.
Mos Def - Sitting taking lunch; the news will hit you like a punch.
Flanders & Swann - The carpenter came round. Nailed right through a cable and out went all the lights.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - The afternoon is never ending.

Solomon Grundy - Married.
The Cure - Grey; break my heart. Heart attack; stay in bed.
Johnny Cash - My trial was attested.
Tripod - Went to the movies.
Flanders & Swann - The electrician came. His foot went through a window.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - Morning papers didn't come.

Solomon Grundy - Took ill.
The Cure - Don't care about you; doesn't even start; never looking back; watch the walls instead.
Johnny Cash - They said 'Guilty' and the judge's gavel fell.
Tripod - Went to the movies.
Mos Def - You feel the shaking on the ground; a  million candles burn around.
Flanders & Swann - The glazier came round.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - Your stocking needed mending.

Solomon Grundy - Grew worse.
The Cure - I'm in love; never hesitate.
Tripod - Went to the movies.
Flanders & Swann - The painter made a start. He'd painted over the gas tap.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - Arrives without a suitcase. At nine o'clock 'she' is far away and meets a man from the motor trade.
Rebecca Black - We so excited, We gonna have a ball today.

Solomon Grundy - Died.
The Cure - Wait; wait.
Flanders & Swann - They do no work at all.
Happy Days - What a day.
Rebecca Black - Tomorrow.

Solomon Grundy - Buried.
The Cure - Always comes too late.
The Bangles - Fun day.
Flanders & Swann - They do no work at all.
Happy Days - Happy Days.
The Beatles - Creeping like a nun.
U2 - Can't believe the news today; can't close my eyes and make it go away.
Rebecca Black - Comes afterwards.

Of all the days of the week, Saturday has a touch of poignancy and melancholy about it:
Died. Wait, wait.. They do no work at all.
What a day....  Tomorrow.
Maybe we could give it to an emo or shoegaze band to do.

But seeing as today is Friday - we so excited, we gonna have a ball today.... seriously?!

1 comment:

  1. BARMY ARMY4:46 PM


    Tuesday SOUP, Monday is washing day.
    Is everybody happy?
