November 06, 2019

Horse 2619 - Corbyn Finally States Labour Party Policy


I think that I may have heard the first good news about Brexit in three years.

The Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, announced both in a press conference and across social media that if the Labour Party was sent into Government, then they would be looking for an acceptable Brexit deal within three months, which they would then put back to the people in another referendum; including the possibility of not leaving the EU at all.
The press in Britain has gone practically apoplectic with the news, as finally the Labour Party has made a statement about what it intends to do; and because it is being tested in the heat of a General Election, it is actually worth something.

At the 2015 General Election when David Cameron was brought to power, he did so with the backing of factions of the Conservative Party who were anti-Europe. Those factions have more or less been there since Britain entered what was then the EEC back in 1973; but became more vociferous with the popular rise of UKIP and Nigel Farage (who ironically was a Member of the European Parliament on the basis of being anti-Europe).
Probably as a result of media coverage from LBC in London in particular, 'the city' was able to drag the economic right of the Conservative Party to a position where they had the numbers to call the referendum in 2016 on the subject of leaving the EU.
The thing was that there was never an actual plan set forth on what leaving the EU would look like or any of the legal provisions needed to make it work. The question posed which was very basically reduced to a simple binary of Leave/Remain, was posed without a shred of information put to the people because it simply never existed. As a result, we have had three years of chaos and division in Britain which has brought down two Prime Ministers and caused two extra General Elections in what was legally intended as a fixed five year parliament.

The truth at this point is that neither you nor I nor anyone knows exactly what a Corbyn led Government would propose but we can assume that it would probably be mostly identical to what is proposed now, except that Northern Ireland and Ireland would have some kind of Schengen type arrangements with regards movement of people across the internal Irish-island border.

Depending on how a Corbyn Government is formed, it may need help from parties like the SNP and the DUP to get it over the line. The Irish Question which extends well back before the time of the likes of Disraeli, Palmerston, Melbourne and Peel, remains like a ratking and I don't think that Corbyn would want to disturb that question very much, lest the troubles be triggered again.
If Corbyn does rely on help from the SNP, then speaking as a very far off observer, he would do well to invite the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, to Number Ten within the first week. The Scottish Question which has been hinted at, is similar to the Irish Question in Scotland has hinted that it is thinking about leaving the UK; if that happened as a result of IndyRef 2, then similar provisions might have to be set up on the island of Great Britain as well as on Ireland.

Of course, all of this could be averted if having put this to the people; with four years' worth of information about the process (having lived through it), that the people vote to remain. If the people were to still vote leave in a second Brexit referendum, after now having been in possession of four years' worth of lived experience, I would argue that that would actually finally be a legitimate vote, instead of the first one which reduced everything to a binary with no information either way.

It is still entirely possible that Boris Johnson like May and Cameron before him, wins the election. If that is what happens, then I wonder if the election actually manages to solve anything. January 31 would roll around and presumably if Johnson had an outright majority, he would be able to get whatever legislation he wanted passed (including Brexit). Since this election is ostensibly a de facto referendum on the existing Brexit process, then I might dare to suggest that a failure to get Brexit passed by January 31, would represent an utter failure of the mandate of the Johnson Government.

As someone with no real dog in the fight, my opinion on whether or not Britain should leave the EU is irrelevant. To be fair I don't think that it matters much either way except that to say that a hard border across the island of Ireland and restarting the troubles is a scenario which nobody wants. I personally would like Corbyn to be the Prime Minister, for Britain to remain in the EU and for the British Government to act and behave more kindly to both its own citizens and people who happen to be within its borders for whatever reason. Kindness and Not Dying are pretty good motives at bare minimum for government, I think.

Also: Guitar Tab - 7 7 10 7 5 3 2.

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