June 15, 2021

Horse 2855 - Sky News Australia Warns Us That Euro 2020 Is A Marxist Plot

I am convinced that the local branch of the bank where I go to deposit the few remaining cheques that we get, lurches between hyper capitalism and ultra communism in its staff's political opinions, depending on who is at the teller's windows on any given day.

On the same set of telescreens I have seen Peppa Pig, Bluey, Dora the Explorer, Paw Patrol, Sharri Markson, Chris Kenny and this afternoon Rita Panahi. Between ABC3, ABC News 24, and Sky News Australia, you would come to the conclusion that the world is either wonderful or awful in a multiplicity of different ways.

On Friday, Peta Credlin was banging on about how Euro 2020 was all a Marxist plot and that the Black Lives Matter campaign and various players across Europe kneeling before a football game was also part of this Marxist plot. I couldn't help but feel that if the tournament was on Fox Sports, instead of Optus, then they'd be singing from an entirely different hymn book.

Speaking as one of the great uninformed and unintelligent masses whom Sky News seems to think needs to be corralled into thinking like they do, I am glad that I have been informed of the Marxist plot which has been bubbling away below the surface because otherwise I would have never have known.

That's where I've been going wrong all these years. I would have never have guessed that Gareth Southgate missing that penalty against Germany at Euro '96 was actually because he was trying to encourage the toiling masses to overthrow the ruling order in favour of a communal system of production; instead of just being a colossal git.

I would have never have guessed that David Beckham actually wanted for everyone to be paid exactly the same, irrespective of where they are in the hierarchy; because the creation of the Premier League and the escalation of wages to many millions of dollarpounds is actually all just a front. Who would have thought that that the television companies were actually massive supporters of Lenin and that there is no bigger supporter of Marxism and Communism than Fox Sports. I would have never have thought that Lord Sugar and Rupert Murdoch were actually bolshie red leftists but there you go.

What's more, Peta Credlin is talking nothing but spun gold truth when she says that if you kneel in support of Black Lives Matter, you are supporting all and every violent event that has ever happened at a Black Lives Matter protest, anywhere in the world.

Because fair's fair then it follows that if you support the Australian Flag then you are also supporting every occasion that it's been flown; including war crimes in Iraq and the locking up of refugees on tropical gulags, especially if they require medical treatment and/or they've been born in Australia. Presumably that also means that Scott Morrison is also a follower of the teachings of Ivan Milat or Martin Bryant, or perhaps the True Blue Crew and Reclaim Australia.

It's a good thing that Sky News Australia warned us that Euro 2020 is a Marxist plot because I would have never have thought that playing a flat back four instead of a stopper and a sweeper and playing Marcus Rashford up front as a lone striker in a 4-5-1 formation was in reality an attempt to set up a farming collective which is communally owned by the peasantry.

I also wouldn't have guessed that Nike, Reebok, Umbro and Adidas weren't sports and leisurewear companies but actually fronts for the Bolshevik Menshevik People's Revolutionary Workers Party.

Here I was thinking that Black Lives Matter had something to do with institutional racism, which results in the incarceration and murder of black people by the police in disproportionate numbers.

Apparently I have had it wrong when I thought that the Black Lives Matter movement in Australia is particularly concerned with the outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who are also incarcerated and ill-treated by police in disproportionate numbers. Apparently I am also wrong in thinking that there is an historical element to this, as I live in the local government area called Blacktown which was named after an internment camp/school for indigenous peoples before their lands were confiscated and their populations exterminated in what is unofficially called the 'frontier wars' because we refuse to admit that they happened; so what do I know?

When a global movement emerges committed to combatting racism following repeated murders in one country and it then inspires other countries to look seriously at their own pasts, then according to Sky News Australia, it's not actually real.

To be honest I am kind of surprised at how Sky News has taken what should be a pretty obvious statement and turned it into a designated acceptable point of hatred. There's nothing Orwellian in that at all. 

The more rational explanation is that Sky News Australia is more likely to be a right wing media outlet, which stirs up really stupid outrages, while their supporters push the government even further to the right. Sky News Australia loves to rail against glib slogans because it is politically expedient.

The problem that Sky News Australia has is that 'Black Lives Matter' is a pretty simple and somewhat obvious slogan, so they have to invent reasons to oppose it. In the case of Euro 2020 and players kneeling, Sky News Australia has to declare Black Lives Matter as a Marxist plot because  they would otherwise have to openly admit that as part of the media group which has been found guilty of violating the Racial Discrimination Act, they are institutionally racist.

Of course in daring to suggest such a thing and publishing ungoodthink, how do I know that I am not part of this Marxist plot? 

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