July 22, 2023

Horse 3204 - Easily Countered With !!!!

The way that the algorithm works at chess.com means that if you play someone at about the same skill level, you can expect to win about 50% of the win. A database of millions of users provides possibly the truest set of calculations of Elo within any organisation.

I find myself being able to win plenty of games against people in or around the same kinds of skill level and then get absolutely beaten back into the stone age by people a thousand and two thousand Elo points higher. However the problem with playing against people rated roughly the same as you; especially down here at pleb level, is that you get to see the same rubbish again and again. 

One of the consistent things that you see at slightly better than rank amateur chess is the Wayward Queen Attack; which is used by people primarily trying to win cheap Elo points off of other users. 

Wayward Queen begins:

1. e4 e5

2. Qh5

Moving the e4 pawn to the centre of the board opens the door for the Light Bishop to play the cross diagonal and for the Queen to hang out on a white diagonal with only the opponent's f7 pawn standing in the way. play the g-pawn too quickly and the queen then takes Black's e-pawn and places it on the long dark fianchetto to take out Black's Kingside Rook. From here, the White Queen can do all kinds of merry damage before running away. This leave Black in a Not Good™ position.

If Black makes a complete dog's breakfast of the whole thing, then instead of a Not Good™ position, this results in a Scholar's Mate by having thw White Queen sit on f7, being supported by the Light Bishop on c4. 

If you are playing in pleb level chess, then this is such a common attack, that the obvious counter should also be known; which is why White should definitely never do it. However, since we are down here in pleb level chess, not doing something is often mistaken for doing; so people will do it anyway. 

This is the perfect counter to the Wayward Queen.


Wayward Queen.

1. e4 e5 

This accepts the attack.

2. Qh5 Nc6

As the White Queen has moved to h5, the only reasonable response is to defend that pawn. d6 might be a good choice but Nc6 is nastier as this then gives opportunity to develop an attack

3. Nc3 g6

I have no idea what the White Knight is doing here. Black's next move must be to kick the Queen away. However, since this is pleb level Chess, White has never learnt anything at all and must continue to attack f7 at all costs. The only sensible thing for White to do is to retreat to f3.

4. Qf3 Qe7

White retreats to f3.

Black Queen to e7 is in preparation for the Light Bishop because at pleb level chess, because at pleb level Chess White has never learnt anything at all.

5. b3 Nd4

This was an unexpected turn of events. I was fully expecting White's Light Bishop to go to c4 but because they panicked, b3 is a move of incompetence.

Black Knight to d4 attacks that Queen. White must move that Queen because not doing so loses it in a stellarly terrible trade.

6. Qe3 Nxc2+

Queen to e3 attacks the Black Knight. This is a sensible move but only at the end of a chain of utter stupidity.

The Black Knight's next move is of course to c2, thus forking the King and the Queen and the a1 Rook.

A check is usually marked as ! a fork is usually marked as !! a fork of two major pieces is usually marked as !! a fork which places the King in check and forks two major pieces can be marked as !!!!

At this point, with only pawn having been taken, White resigned.

1. e4 e5 

2. Qh5 Nc6

3. Nc3 g6

4. Qf3 Qe7

5. b3 Nd4

6. Qe3 Nxc2+

As far as I can tell, precisely because this is pleb level chess, then the Wayward Queen is the chess equivalent of griefing n00bs in an MMO. While a "griefer" is someone who derives pleasure from the act of annoying other users and being a general nuisance, the punchline to this sad joke of an attack, is that there is a counter to it and it is just as easily deployed. Black advancing a pawn to e5 after e4 has been played, is fairly standard, as is playing the knight to defend it. Neither of those moves have left the book. 

The secondary punchline to countering a Wayward Queen attack, is that down here at pleb level chess, the likely gain at the end of it all, is no more than about 10 Elo. We are all playing for chump change. So why bother? It would be easier playing actual chess.

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