I found this handy dandy little widget gidget on the Washington Post's website:
... basically it's a little thing where you can have a go and paint red and blue all over America to pick who's going to be the next president. I had a go and came up with this:
That would have the results listed as:
322 Obama
216 McCain
Mind you, I think that whoever has the job will find it incerdibly difficult; also Iran has come out and stated in two independent statements that if McCain were to be president then a state of hostility would be likely to exist between them and America, and that if Obama were to be president then a state of hostility would also be likely to exist between them and America. Either way it's a bad result.
I think that it's technically possible to win with either 12 or 11 states bur for that to actually happen you need to get California, Texas, Florida, New York, Ohio and Illinois to agree with each other. Whilst that's possible in theory, in practice it's as likely as a camel passing through the eye of a needle and as pleasant as a needle passing through the eye of a camel.
The last president who was neither a Republican nor a Democrat was Millard Fillmore who was Whig and was president from 1850-1853.
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