A teacher who told pupils Santa Claus did not exist has been sacked. Year Three children at Blackshaw Lane Primary School in Oldham, Greater Manchester, were left devastated by the news.
One parent said: "My son came home and said that his substitute teacher had told the class that Santa doesn't exist and it's your mum and dad that put out presents for them.
"Apparently, they were all talking about Christmas and being a bit rowdy. She just came straight out with it. "He was nearly in tears - and so close to Christmas. I thought it was wrong. He was distraught about it. He's only seven years old and it's part of the magic of Christmas to him."
A spokeswoman for Oldham Council said headteacher Angela McCormick is preparing a letter of apology to parents. She said the headteacher has complained to the agency which supplied the teacher and added that the teacher no longer works for the school.
Newsflash: Santa Claus is not real, he's a fib.
Moreover, why does the school think it so valuable to preserve a lie? I bet that these are the same parents who would complain if "religion" was being pushed if the teachers dared to actually tell children the real reason for Christmas.
Is this the reason why the teacher was sacked? "I thought it was wrong. He was distraught about it." Because if it is, then that's a pretty poor excuse in all honesty. You have to wonder what provoked the comment in the first place. I'll bet that "being a bit rowdy" was the kid's way of telling the story, I'll also bet that the teacher's way of telling the story would have ended with the words "intolerable little git". Let's keep the fib going shall we? Shall we also tell the kids that their Nintendo Wii was built by elves? That reindeer can actually fly?
Let's look at the "Spirit of Christmas" being invoked here. "He was nearly in tears - and so close to Christmas." Imagine what it's like to be FIRED so close to Christmas, now there's a present for you, how's that for "the magic of Christmas", knowing that you don't have a job because you happened to tell the truth, now there's proof that Santa doesn't exist and if he does then to be quite frank he's a miserable bum.
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