I find it sooooo encouraging that the people who attended the World Economic Forum found "no answers" to the Global Financial and Economic Crisis currently going on. There is a lot to be said about the competence of people who have been sent to these sorts of things when the best that they can acheive are remarks like: "we don't know what to do, only that we need to do something and we need to do it fast". Um yeah. That'll Play.
It seems to me that the same people who got us into this mess are the same people who are expected to get us out of it. If you look at the bald facts, it was in theory an abundance of liquidity that caused this thing and Governments have been asked to "bail out" companies by an injection of... more liquidity. It has been likened to giving a heroin addict a shot of heroin to cure them of their heroin addiction.
All up, employees of Wall Street securities firms received $18.4 billion in bonuses last year. Merrill Lynch is currently being investigated for making between $3 billion and $4 billion in bonus payments in late December, days before the securities firm was acquired by Bank of America. Merrill Lynch lost $15.3 billion in the fourth quarter. It's little wonder when President Barack Obama wrote off the shebang as "shameful".
I'm not an executive of a billion dollar company, but even I can describe what's been happening. Furthermore I can do it in one word. Greed. And it is not as we were told in the 80s good either. If I can see that then how come the people at World Economic Forum found "no answers"? Are they members of companies now putting out their hands for bailouts? Isn't this just greed all over again?
The World Economic Forum was in Davos, but I reckon that they should have asked Davros.
I bet that he would have EXTERMINATED the Economic Crisis in no time
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