October 12, 2024

Horse 3398 - Australia's Part In Bombing Beirut


Lebanese officials say 22 people have been killed and 117 others injured in Israeli airstrikes on central Beirut yesterday evening.

There was no warning issued before the strikes which hit residential buildings in two densely packed neighbourhoods in Bachoura - a small Shia area in the capital.

This is the third time Israel has launched air strikes on the city outside of the suburb of Dahieh, where it has struck repeatedly.

Media outlets, quoting security sources, suggest the apparent target, Wafiq Safa, survived. Safa is a high-ranking Hezbollah official and close ally of Hezbollah's former long-term leader Hassan Nasrallah. 

Neither the Israeli military nor Hezbollah's media office have commented.

- BBC News, 11th Oct 2024/

Well I will.

Hamas, Hezbollah, the IDF, and Benjamin Netanyahu are all evil and I hate all of you. The quicker that all of these things are dismantled, that Netanyahu is exiled to the Marshall Islands, and the quicker that the endless cycle of death comes to an end, the better.

I will comment. My country has blood on its hands. We helped supply the bombs.

In a week which saw the Israeli Defence Force lobbing rockets and bombs at both Gaza and Lebanon, and which saw Sky News Australia's Sharri Markson meet with the co-morbid Psychopath and Sociopath In Chief, PM Benjamin Netanyahu (this man has no remorse for his actions, no empathy for the people that he has stated that he thinks are vermin, frequently displayed criminal tendencies, and whose moral compass was burnt to a crisp so long ago that he consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others), we have to come to the conclusion that not only is every single word coming out of both sides of parliament in Australia unreliable, but we are joyfully complicit in war crimes. 


A US-made munition was used in a strike on central Beirut that killed 22 people and wounded 117, according to an analysis of shrapnel found by the Guardian at the scene of the attack.

The strike on Thursday night hit an apartment complex in the densely populated neighbourhood of Basta, levelling the apartment building and destroying cars and the interiors of nearby residences.


The Guardian found remnants of a US-manufactured joint direct attack munition (Jdam) in the rubble of the collapsed apartment building on Friday afternoon. Jdams are guidance kits built by the US aerospace company Boeing that attach to large “dumb bombs” ranging up to 2,000lbs (900kg), converting them into GPS-guided bombs.

The weapons remnant was verified by the crisis, conflict and arms division of Human Rights Watch and a former US military bomb technician.

“The bolt pattern, its position and the shape of the of the remnant are consistent with the tail fin of a US-made, Jdam, guidance kit for Mk80 series air-dropped munitions,” said Richard Weir, a senior researcher in Human Rights Watch’s crisis, conflict and arms division, after viewing a photograph of the fragment. The Mk80 series encompasses three classes of bomb, the smallest of which is 500lbs and the largest is 2,000lbs.

- The Guardian, 11th Oct 2024

The whole Mark 80 class of dumb bombs (yes, even the IDF's propaganda which says that they were using smart bombs was a total lie), has been in use since 1946; and started to see active service in the Korean War. The current Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAMs) are  also relatively dumb bombs; which the IDF has been deploying on civilians who have been defending themselves with tents and thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and Prayers are nominally useless against JDAMs, which is handy for the IDF as they continue to pummel the every loving cuss out of ordinary people until the streets flow with so much blood that Benny gets to have a chuckle.

Meanwhile, if you do even the most basic of perfunctory research, you find that Australia has played its part in the ongoing genocide of civilians like the pathetic little lap-dog that we are.


Boeing and Australia’s Ferra Engineering have signed a memorandum of understanding related to further Australian production of Joint Direct Attack Munition Extended Range (JDAM ER) wing kits, and will explore applications for a powered version of JDAM.

The MoU will see Ferra continue to produce the JDAM ER wing kit, with the partnership to be extended through 2028, says Boeing.

- Flight Global, 24th Oct 2023

Boeing are famously going through something of a reputational poo-brown patch; with doors and engines falling off their planes in mid-flight, and their Starliner space capsule program having so many missteps that it even failed at being a ferry service to the space station this year. Nevertheless, Boeing are still about to mysteriously get their people killing programs working like a well oiler meat grinder.

So what is Australia's part in this? Why not just ask Boeing?


BRISBANE, Oct 25, 2023—Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Australia industry partner Ferra Engineering signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue production of Joint Direct Attack Munition Extended Range (JDAM ER) wing kits. The agreement also includes the intent to explore applications for Powered JDAM(opens in a new tab) — a long-range, low-cost and mass-producible JDAM derivative capable of travelling upwards of 300 nautical miles.

Brisbane-based Ferra is Boeing’s global supplier of the 500-pound JDAM ER wing kits. Under the memorandum, the partnership will be extended through 2028. The partnership aligns with the Australian Defence Force’s commitment to enhance sovereign weapons capability under the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise and aligns with the AUKUS security partnership goal of advancing  trilateral defence capabilities.

- Boeing, 25th Oct 2023

I wonder what Ferra think of all of this:


Ferra understands the need to provide higher value products and solutions to our customers. As part of our advanced manufacturing process, our role in the product life cycle doesn’t finish once the production product has left our organization.

Ferra has the capability to manage inventory and logistics on behalf of our customer. This has been delivered in a commercial and military environment.  

- Ferra Engineering, retrieved 12th Oct 2024

Now bear in mind that the identified shrapnel in Beirut is a piece of the Boeing JDAM; which means that as Ferra Engineering is Boeing's global supplier of the JDAM ER 500lb wing kit, that it had to have been made right here in Australia.

Isn't it funny. When Joe Hockey yelled at the auto-industry and told them to go away, they all did. Making cars in Australia is simply too hard. However, making parts and pieces to kill brown people? Well Australia is all for that because apparently it aligns with the AUKUS security partnership goal of advancing trilateral defence capabilities and enhancing sovereign weapons capability. Remember under the terms of AUKUS, we're not allowed to service our own F-35 aircraft but Israel is allowed to home-brew their own. Also under the terms of AUKUS, as the pathetic little lap-dog that we are, when Big Brother America wants to bomb the cuss out of brown people, we don't question it but comply like an evil evil little sycophant except that as a nation we're actually too stupid to even seek any kind of advantage. 

This is where your tax dollars are going. While America possibly is on the verge of lurching to the right as Donald Trump has repeatedly declared to deport people on day one, and as Israel actively pursues Benny from Cheltenham's personal goal of turning many thousands of people into chunky marinara because he must find joy in the suffering an deaths of people, what do we say? Nothing. Australia yet again has no foreign policy.

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