August 07, 2020

Horse 2743 - In These Uncertain Times

In these uncertain times, in these crazy times, which are unprecedented in living memory, in which we do not know what the future will hold, we all need to come together even when we are apart, by uniting for freedom and hope and look forward to a time where the new normal will be different, in an unknown future, in these uncertain and crazy times.
In this scary time, we should remember that what scares us helps to make us more prepared. Preparedness makes us powerful.

We need to come together while we are apart, in a new wave of unity, because we are all in this together and together we are one. In times like these it has never been more important to consider the future and each other. Together we will beat this. Together we are strong. Together we will find a way in these challenging times. 
In this time of crisis, many of us are thinking about how to uplift those who need it most. We have to think the new normal.

In this new normal we need to remember that we only borrow this dream and that tomorrow, we will wake up to a new dawn. This too will pass. We should all enjoy this moment in time because although it is terrible, it also might be as good as it gets.
We need to remember what it is that we remember about each other because it is only the memories that we make which we will carry forward into the future. This isn't a restart, it's a rethink. We need to change how we work. Let's put smart to work for us.

In these challenging times, we need to remember who is for us in times of need. It is only by remembering who we need that we remember who we are. You have to believe in a dream if you want to have one in the first place. If you don't believe in the dream even the ones that can come true, won't.

In these hard and confusing times, people might not be feeling happy. We want to make people feel less confused and anxious by creating more fun. It's all about creating the fun. 

In these crazy days it is important to remind yourself of who the most important person in the world is, you. You need to do what is best for you, even if that means not doing what is best for other people. You need 'me time'. 
Could anyone have imagined that days like these could have brought so much chaos and adversity? That is why we need to stay strong in the face of adversity so that we can face the days of success ahead. 

Today we're rethinking how to move forward, so that today's destination is tomorrow's starting point. Today is unpredictable and unprecedented but it doesn't have to be unknowable. Today we are rethinking emotion and heart so that we can invent creative ways to attack the future.

In these unprecedented times, it can be all too easy to think that they will last forever; that is why we should try to imagine a new future. What do you want tomorrow to be?

Let's be alone together. We have learned that we don't need people, we need to be smarter. You can have staff, or you can have smarts. Let's put smart to work. One hour will give what another has refused and in these hours, we want to pay it forward because it's later than you think.

No matter how much things change in an uncertain world, some things will always stay the same. We need to hold on to what we know is certain in these uncertain times and make sure that we aren't blown away by the winds of change.
Some times we need to look at how far we've come to see how far we'll go in the future. If we know where we've come from and who we are, then we can know how we will go in the future. Keep walking.


All of this is genuine copy from advertising. All of this has been said with a calming music bed underneath it and all of it was said in a calming tone with a very particular cadence which sounds almost like the questioning intonation but falls short of having a rising terminal.
I don't know if I am predisposed to want to pull apart what is being said but having heard almost exactly the same kind of broad gibberish many times over, I really question how genuine any of it is. Advertising in principle is designed to make you want to feel something so that you will part with your money and buy stuff. I suppose that this kind of approach must be working if it keeps on happening to the point of becoming a trope.

The only thing that any of this makes me actually want to go out and buy, is a kebab. If you're going to repeat a message of how uncertain everything is, then what could be more uncertain than what's in a kebab and how you are going to feel afterwards.

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