September 05, 2008

Horse 912 - Additional

I wish the Prawn's posts were time-stamped because it appears as though we were pretty much looking at this as about the same time. I find this afternoon that he made this post:

The links provided herein:
Brian Robins
September 5, 2008 - 10:48AM

Alexandra Smith and Brian Robins
September 5, 2008 - 12:52PM

This makes me wonder about the value of traditional media, especially when you consider that because of the internet, amateurs like myself are going push-button publishing at rates faster than traditional print media. Even before people had bought today's SMH it was already out of date, and even then if you'd managed to get a rolling copy of the paper, by not long after midday it would still be out of date - but not us in the blogosphere. We were there reporting and making sense of the news even faster than you could say Jack Robinson.

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