December 12, 2004

Horse 252a - Angry & Disappointed (the follow up)

There are always reasons why things happen. We do not have the ability to predict what will happen tommorrow or even in 20 minutes time. We can guess, but there are weird things that will happen without our ability the predict it.
One of the most delightful qualities of anger and why it is so much fun is that sometimes it means more to us to be angry than the original cause itself. It is perhaps moot that there are many causes of anger, but God's mercy isn't one of them.

God is greater than the Church, and is greater than the Bible (he's the owner and author of both), and our own feeble attempts to psyche out God are a gross waste of energy. As someone said (no idea who), "It is as much of a sin to define God as it is to deny Him."
God won't be put in a box! When we allow others to define God and His will for us, or when we presume to define God and script His will for our lives, we play God and, hence, generate much disappointment within ourselves and even anger at God.

He knows better than us. Omni in every department, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omnivourous... maybe not the last one.

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